Martial Arts: Fists

Bagua 64-Palm 八卦六十四掌:

八卦掌创始人董海川只传下八母掌。目前主要有程,尹二支,程派流传较广。目前所传的六十四掌风格各异,以四正四隅,八卦方位为主,掌法变化,步法穿插变幻,飘游不定,随心所欲,是一套智慧拳。严师傅演示。 Bagua founder Dong Haichuan only passed down the "eight main palm". Currently there are two branches of Bagua, Cheng and Yin. The Cheng branch is more wider-spread. The 64-palm styles currently circulating have different characteristics but the fundamentals of Bagua directions are observed. Hand techniques and footwork interspersed with constant changes, moving with agility and flexibility. A smart boxing it is. Master Ngiam demonstrates.



Xing Yi Lian Huan Fist 形意连环拳:


Xing Yi Five-Element Fists: 形意五行连环拳

Xingyi Five-Element Fists are also known as Mind and Intent Synchronization Boxing or Intent Boxing. According to legend, this boxing form originated from General Yue Fei of Song Dynasty. Traditional routine is based mainly on the five elements, i.e. metal, wood, water, fire and earth. It emphasizes Internal and External Triple Synchronization or Synchronization of Six Elements : Internal Triples refer to Heart and Intent Synchronization, Intent and Qi (Energy) Synchronization, Qi and Power Synchronization; External Triples refer to Hands and Feet Synchronization, shoulders and Hips Synchronization, Elbows and Knees Synchronization.

Full Demonstration 整套演示:
Application 应用:

Xing Yi Eight-Form Fists 形意八式拳

Xing Yi Eight-Form Fists were passed down by Grand Master Sun LuTang. This boxing is well structured and practical. It is an excellent set of boxing specially introduced to share with Martial Arts enthusiasts.

Full Demonstration 整套演示:
Application 应用:

Sun Bin Zhong Jia 32 Forms 孙膑中架32式:

Many ever heard of "Sun Zi Arts of War" but few know the existence of this set of Sun Bin Fists which was passed down by the grandson of Sun Zi.

White Crane Fists 白鹤拳:

White Crane Fists are made up of Spearing upward, Parrying, Smacking, Hitting, Kicking and Striking techniques. Emphasizing the intent and not the form, this boxing moves in four directions with eyes scanning in various angles, brief and precise, simple and practical. 白鹤拳是以挑,拨,拍,击,踢,打等技法组成。重意不重形的小套路,脚踩四门,眼观四面八方,短小精干,简练实用。

"Tai Zu" Fists 太祖独羊拳:

"Tai Zu" Fists originated from Zhao Kuang Yin of Song Dynasty. It is based on five fundamentals: "Strong, Fierce, Tight, Stable, Small". As strong as Buddha's warriors, as fierce as extreme force, "tight" refers to cohesive structure of movements, as stable as the mountain, "small" refers to continuous flow of movement without breaking. Upward, downward, left and right, meaning all directions, are well synchronized. Fiercely thrust, force explosion through torque and coiling.太祖拳是宋太祖赵匡胤所创。讲究"刚,猛,紧,稳,小"五诀。 "刚"为金刚之劲,"猛"为威猛之力,"紧"为结构严谨,"稳"为泰山之稳,"小"为紧凑无间。上下左右围为一体,以猛为主体,弹抖显功力。

Set Sparring 磨桥手与基本36手:

Shao Lin Feng Shan Fist 少林凤山拳:

Tiger and Crane Fists 虎鹤双形拳:

Tiger and Crane Fists are a form of Chinese external martial arts with powerful movements like those of the tigers and nimble movements like those of the cranes. 虎鹤双形拳是一种外家拳。威猛如猛虎,轻灵如白鹤。

Iron Wire Fists (Part) 铁线拳(小段):

Iron wire fist is Shao Lin's treasure. Tie Chiao San's signature martial arts. When practising this martial arts routine, various sounds like ho, ei, hei, ha etc are created with nose, throat and tongue. The purpose is to exercise the internal organs through these sounds to help blood circulation. 铁线拳为少林之拳宝,铁桥三之代表拳技。习练此拳,常由喉,舌,鼻等器官发出各种声音如嗬,唉,嗨,哇等...以此音带动五脏六腑的内在运动促进血液循环。

Martial Arts Demonstration 武功表演:

Shao Lin "Nei Gong" Fists 少林内功拳:


Zhou's Basic Boxing 36 Forms 周家基本拳36手:


Buddha's Palms 佛掌: