Taiji Ruler Qigong Applications 太极气功棒实用法门 |
Taiji Ruler originated from Song Dynasty Zhao Kuang Yin. It was later developed to become Taiji Qigong Ruler for practical use. Its practices help to cultivate Qi (internal energy) thus improving blood circulation, and strengthen joints. It may be used for self defence as well. 太极尺源自宋朝太祖赵匡胤,后发展为太极气功棒延至太极棒实用法门: (一)太极尺以修炼养气为主 (二)太极气功棒除练气外还锻炼筋骨,关节 (三)太极棒实用法则为锻炼筋骨,气血外,附之以实用,自卫,防身。达至学以至用的功效。 |
Taiji Qigong 太极气功: |
Taiji Qigong is a set of routine/techniques that, through movement of the limbs and body, drives inner potential, helps blood circulation, clears various critical meridian points. 太极气功是一套由导引之术带动内在潜能,促进身体血液循环,牵引奇经八脉的疏通。 |
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Wild Goose Qigong 大雁气功: | Wild Goose Patting Qigong 大雁拍打健身气功: |
Wild Goose Trigeminal Spiral Qigong: 大雁三叉罗旋气功: |
Wild Goose Trigeminal Spiral Qigong is a set of movements that clear meridians, regulate central trigeminal nerve, adjust the functions of the internal organs, strengthen bones and muscles, balance yin and yang . Not only the movements are graceful and relaxing, they help to enhance our immune systems. The spiral movements cause Qi to circulate throughout our body, limbs, internal organs and meridians in all directions, resulting in the nourishment of our entire body system. It helps to prevent illness and to enhance our overall health, indeed a rare Qigong methodology of the Kunlun branch to be treasured. 三叉螺旋功是一套疏通经络,调节中枢三叉神经,调内脏,壮筋骨,沟通上下里外,平衡阴阳的功法。具优美大方,舒适祛病,延年,而无偏差的特点。全身螺旋行气贯穿四肢百骸与脏腑,经络内气盈满全身,四通八达,使肌体系统得到充分的滋养。 有病治病,没病壮身,是一套不可多得的昆仑派高级功法,珍之。 |
"Rejuvenating" Qigong 返老还童气功: |
金华返老还童功的创始人是中国陕西唐玉林气功大师。金华返老还童气功以内炼精,气,神,外采宇宙高能量为主体。以炼养结合,动静相兼,又疏通奇经八脉,平衡阴阳为锻炼要诀,养生,祛病延年,又能激发潜能,开发智慧,为性命双修的上乘功法。"易经"为基础要求天地人和合一,采天阳地阴二气与四方五行及万物与宇宙的混元之气。 |
"Rejuvenating" Qigong 1st Set 返老还童气功第一套功法: | "Rejuvenating" Qigong 2nd Set 返老还童气功第二套功法: |
Tong Zi Gong ("Rejuvenating" Qigong - Sitting Form) 童子功(返老还童气功 - 坐式): |
Tong Zi Gong is originally carried out in standing postures. To facilitate those who practise this Qigong indoor, it can also be done in sitting position. It helps to enhance the function of internal organs, achieve rejuvenating effect and slow down aging process. 童子功又名返老还童功,此功法为站立式,为了方便夜晚室内修练,亦可坐着练功。童子功非一般人所想像的只有童子才能修练,而是由成人修练后能通过练功启动机能而强化内脏系统,促进身体的"年轻化"而达到返老还童的效果。 |
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Moving Ba Duan Jin 活步八段锦: |
Ba Duan Jing in Sitting Form 坐式八段锦: |
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Yang Ming Qigong 养命气功: |
This Life Enhancement Qigong is a Qigong routine that helps to improve blood circulation by moving "Qi" through the various meridian points. Coupled with focus of intent, movements of the hands and upper torso move the "Qi" within the body. 养命气功是一套以导引与易筋术带动并疏通全身奇经八脉的功法(八脉为任,督,带脉,冲脉,阳维,阴维,阳乔,阴乔),人体周身通,则百病除。天才不如努力,努力则不如乐在其中。。 |
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